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Secure Audit Vault

Real-time protection of integrity of your electronic records

Firma digital aplicada a trazabilidad y auditorías internas

Kinamik Secure Audit Vault helps reduce costs associated with audit processes (internal and external) and manage and process electronic evidence in computer forensics investigation. It facilitates compliance with laws and standards (Data Protection Act, Law 11/2007, PCI-DSS and ISO 27001), especially in relation to the prevention and detection of manipulation of electronic records. It also acts as primary fraud deterrent, reducing the risk and impact of the internal threat. Moreover, it serves as litigation support to enhance the evidential value of electronic records, giving them legal validity to be used as electronic evidence in litigation.

Some characterístics de Secure Audit Vault:

  • It has data collection agents that capture and transmit data in real time through a secure encrypted channel.
  • It has a tool for data retention policies, permitting configuration of automatic purging of processed information in compliance with the requirements of each regulation.
  • It gives the ability to encrypt confidential information using the most robust standard protocols.
  • It facilitates quick check of the integrity of the information through a web interface, and in case any manipulation is detected, enables determination of exact fraction of the file that has been changed.

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Our customers

Il·lustre Col·legi de Veterinaris de Barcelona
Consejo Andaluz de Veterinarios de Andalucía
Professional staff
Caixa d'Enginyers
Ajuntament de Cornellà de Llobregat
Verificaciones Industriales de Andalucía
Universitat Ramon Llull
Ajuntament de Manresa
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona
Mitsubishi Electric