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Digital signature for Banks and Insurance companies

Digital certificate based identification

DNI electrónico

Identify your customers from their electronic ID or digital certificate

By enabling our customers to access the service from their electronic ID, we avoid remembering a new user and password. In addition, the electronic ID allows us to obtain basic identifying information that we can use to fill forms. Further, the electronic ID technology is based on a completely secure technology that we will avoid the need to distribute other devices such as co-ordinated cards or systems of dynamically generated passwords. In short, better customer services and less investment and fraud risk for the bank.

FrontDNI is the applet for Digital certificate based identifying. It can be easily integrated on your site without software development.

Digital certificate based identification

DNI electrónico

Identify your customers from their electronic ID or digital certificate

By enabling our customers to access the service from their electronic ID, we avoid remembering a new user and password. In addition, the electronic ID allows us to obtain basic identifying information that we can use to fill forms. Further, the electronic ID technology is based on a completely secure technology that we will avoid the need to distribute other devices such as co-ordinated cards or systems of dynamically generated passwords. In short, better customer services and less investment and fraud risk for the bank.

FrontDNI is the applet for Digital certificate based identifying. It can be easily integrated on your site without software development.

Contratación de servicios a distancia

apretón de manos

Evite a sus clientes desplazamientos innecesarios

La mayoría de los servicios que contrata un cliente de un banco pueden consensuarse y formalizarse a distancia. Aun así, la mayoría de las veces, los clientes deben desplazarse a su oficina habitual únicamente para firmar el contrato de servicio en papel.

Este hecho es especialmente engorroso para aquellos clientes que disponen de un certificado digital reconocido, y están en disposición de firmar electrónicamente con la misma validez legal que la firma manuscrita.

Contacte con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución sencilla y económica para que pueda ofrecerle a sus clientes la firma online de los servicios contratados.

Digital signature for free!

Use ClickSign to sign any document with your personal digital certificates

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Our customers

Il·lustre Col·legi de Veterinaris de Barcelona
Consejo Andaluz de Veterinarios de Andalucía
Professional staff
Caixa d'Enginyers
Ajuntament de Cornellà de Llobregat
Verificaciones Industriales de Andalucía
Universitat Ramon Llull
Ajuntament de Manresa
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona
Mitsubishi Electric