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Partners in digital signature deployment

Nuestros colaboradores

  • erpCloud

    erpCloud es un sistema de gestión empresarial en la nube, en el que las empresas pagan únicamente por los servicios que necesitan y les generan ahorro. Ubicados en las Islas Canarias, son nuestro apoyo para difundir la utilización de la firma electrónica en empresas de todos los tamaños, y ofrecer un servicio próximo a nuestros clientes de allí.

  • La Salle -Technova

    La Salle, colaboradores de isigma

    La Salle Technova stands as the first business innovation park that sprang up around a business school. They venture solely in viable business plans, and provide them management consulting services, along with others.

  • CSI-Ti

    CSI-Ti, colaboradores de isigma

    Competitive Strategy Insurance (CSI) is a young and dynamic company with extensive experience in Consultancy and Technology for the Insurance Sector.

  • Roselló Mallol abogados

    Reselló Mallo Abogados <pRoselló Mallol abogados focuses from the beginning and exclusively on the legal advice to clients and collaborators, in any matter related to information technology. Their experience over the years, spans several sectors (medical, educational, e-marketing), public and private.
  • iAbogado

    iAbogado, colaborador de isigma

    A whole range of legal services that may be solicited online

  • Kinamik

    Kinamik, colaboradores de isigma

    Kinamik is a software developer specializing in protection of data integrity in real time. Isigma distributes its flagship product, the Kinamik Secure Audit Vault, about which you will find more information in the section Products.

  • AETT

    La Asociación Estatal de Trabajo Temporal (AETT) se constituye con el objetivo de ser la organización patronal de referencia en la representación, gestión, defensa y fomento del sector de las ETT´s, sector donde se aplica de forma intensiva la firma electrónica.

  • C3PO

    C3PO, colaboradores de isigma

    C3PO is a company belonging to the field of ICT (Information and Communications) dedicated to the design and manufacture of chip card readers, having highly qualified resources experienced in the environment of the smart card.

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Our customers

Il·lustre Col·legi de Veterinaris de Barcelona
Consejo Andaluz de Veterinarios de Andalucía
Professional staff
Caixa d'Enginyers
Ajuntament de Cornellà de Llobregat
Verificaciones Industriales de Andalucía
Universitat Ramon Llull
Ajuntament de Manresa
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona
Mitsubishi Electric